Funny Story. . . at least I think so. My friend Kristi's son just went into the MTC. She has gotten a few letters from him requesting various items from home. The other day she received a particular letter asking her to somehow deliver a container of her special homemade spaghetti and meatballs. As Kristi was telling me the story, she mentioned how exasperated she felt. She told me that she thought it was ridiculous that her son thought she could send him spaghetti. Kristi was tired of trying to fill all of his special requests. So I asked her what she was going to do? I find this so amusing. She said that she had sent him a letter that read, "You are in the MTC!! NOT Hotel California!!!" When she told me that, I wanted to laugh my head off. Now the reason I find this so funny, is because it reminds me of a story from my own life. Most of you know that I served a mission to Peoria, Illinois. Right after my mission call, I was out shopping with my Mom, preparing to purchase several dresses and skirts. The required attire of every Sister missionary. After trying on another dress that I must say, was very pretty but NOT very practical (with a price tag to match). My dear, patient Mother looked at me, completely exasperated and said, "Natalie, this is a mission!! NOT a fashion show!!!" Oh, she could not have been more right! Once I got on my mission and realized how right she was, I would chuckle every time I thought about us in that ZCMI dressing room. I was on a bike for heavens sake. In a dress!! (a story for another day) Can you say, wake up call!? Ah, Greenie Missionaries. . . Truth be told, there's nothing in this wide world like a Greenie. You can spot one a mile a way, for they are as clueless as the day is long! (and don't they know it?) ...."This is a mission!! NOT a fashion show!!!" I love you Mom!