Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween Fun

We had a really great Halloween despite the swine flu, cold viruses, ear infections, and pneumonia that showed up at our house and tried to ruin our fun. On Halloween Day my Spooks were happily haunting!

Bobbing For Apples

My sister Emily threw a great Halloween Party this year and one of the activities was bobbing for apples. It was pretty funny and we all got a kick out of it. Kaylie was even feeling up to giving it a try. As it turned out, she ended up hurting herself. And we had to call the Doctor. It was just a tad bit mortifying trying to explain to him what she had done..."Well she went to a Halloween Party and was bobbing for apples." It sounds like such a clueless thing to do. But Dr. Smith reassured us that Kaylie was fine and that she had probably just over done it. I'm so glad to see her getting stronger though and feeling more like her old self. She had so much fun at that party. Thanks for throwing it Emily!

Hocus Pocus

Meghan was a the cutest little witch (again) for Halloween. This costume has been so great. We have gotten so much wear out of it. I'm afraid next year it won't fit her anymore, so take a good look.

Take That

My Little Turtle

Matthew was a little turtle for Halloween. He looked SO cute. What's funny is he loved being in the costume and refused to take it off when we were done trick or treating. He was so mad when I finally made him take it off and get ready for bed.

To The Bat Cave

Ethan decided to be the super hero Batman this year for Halloween. I know I'm bias, but he made a terrific Batman (not to mention adorable) and he saved the day!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Every fall we have a tradition of going to the local pumpkin patch and picking out our pumpkins. We were missing Kaylie that day. She wasn't feeling up for the adventure. We found some great pumpkins though.