My beautiful baby girl turned sixteen on April 5th. Yes, it's hard to believe. Kind of surreal. Just like the night she was born. I remembering looking down at her perfect, sweet little face. She had the longest eyelashes. And I could hardly believe she was really mine. I'm humbled and thankful that Father in Heaven sent her to me. I love being her Mom.
For her birthday I checked her out of school and we went to lunch and shopping. Well, that was the plan but we ended up seeing a movie instead of the shopping. It was spontaneous and fun. And actually, if you know Kaylie, it made more sense. She would much rather grab a bucket of popcorn and watch a movie, than shop.
For her birthday she asked for cheesecake, and the movie Tangled. She is just a little bit obsessed with that movie. I think it's safe to say that Rapunzel and Kaylie are very much alike. Alter ego's if you will. Hence, the obsession. And someday when her prince finally comes I have a sneaking suspicion his name will be Flynn Rider. Or at the very least, Eugene. :)
I'm so glad she's ours. :)