I think we are cursed when it comes to computers. Seriously. We have had three in the last four years. So, for Christmas we decided we wanted a Mac. Because let's face it, Apple is the best. And yes, pricey. We looked on KSL.com for a deal. However, it's not much of a deal if the computer only lives for 4 months. I'm so completely bummed about it. The stupid thing keeps crashing with a message that reads "kernal panic". Ironic, because it causes me to panic. I'd like to rip the stupid thing out of the wall and chuck it out the window when it does that. Anyway, hoping to get it fixed soon. (Please tell me it's fixable). The only time I get on the computer is when Mark gets home from work and I can use his laptop. Let me tell ya, that doesn't leave a very big window for blogging. Or facebook, or email, or youtube, or googling, or... well, you get the idea. It's been a real drag. Although, I have to accept the fact that I'm much more efficient without the distraction. I didn't realize how much I use the computer. I think I may be a little bit addicted to it. So for the love of Pete, we better get the blasted thing fixed. And SOON!! My sanity depends on it. :/

I went to buy an apple too, and just couldn't quite bite the bullet. Did you ever get one?
I think we all have a broken computer story. Way to go keeping your sense of humor about it!
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