Well, I just had to post a picture of our dream house. Oh, the sick stench of disappointment, sniff sniff. Everything was looking so promising. The builder had given us so many incentives it was hard to believe. But when it boiled right down to it the economy is what it is right now. Very, very scary!! Sadly today Mark and I felt the effects of it very personally. When the real estate agent came to list our current home we could not believe the price she suggested. It was insulting really. Unbelievable how much our home has dropped in value. We felt like we were being asked to just give it away. Needless to say we didn't like that idea at all and we've decided to stay put until hopefully, things get better. Sometimes not getting what you want reminds you of all the things that you do have and are thankful for. I'm very grateful that we have a house at all. I'm thankful for my nice laundry room, and our beautiful built-in book shelves, and for the island in my kitchen. I'm thankful for my dear sweet husband who put that island in just for me, cuz he knew that I had always wanted one. I'm thankful for my 5 healthy children who fill the walls of our home with love, joy, and laughter. And believe it or not, I'm even thankful for the unasked for reminder.