Ethan said the cutest thing the other day that I have to tell you all about it. Lately he is just crazy about Curious George. Well I got a phone call from a man named George. As I finished up our conversation I said, "Okay, thanks George! Bye." Ethan stopped what he was doing and looked up at me and said, "Dat was Coowious Orje mom?! Coowious Orje!!?" It was soooo adorable I just wanted to eat him up!
I love when they love something so much. He is so cute. It was so fun to see you guys the other day.
When I had Gracie, my friend told me that six weeks was the "magic age". Six weeks came and went and I didn't see any magic. Then, when she turned three. Oh what magic. I love three year olds! You gotta take that boy to Disneyland!
Ethan is so cute. He says the darndest things! Three is the magic age for me too.
Three year olds...they say the funniest things. I love it!! Are you going to the Curious George fair on Saturday? It would be fun to take Emma and Ethan. They would love it!
He is sooo adorable. i love you ethan! Stay cute! :)
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