Friday, November 6, 2009
Halloween Fun
Bobbing For Apples
My sister Emily threw a great Halloween Party this year and one of the activities was bobbing for apples. It was pretty funny and we all got a kick out of it. Kaylie was even feeling up to giving it a try. As it turned out, she ended up hurting herself. And we had to call the Doctor. It was just a tad bit mortifying trying to explain to him what she had done..."Well she went to a Halloween Party and was bobbing for apples." It sounds like such a clueless thing to do. But Dr. Smith reassured us that Kaylie was fine and that she had probably just over done it. I'm so glad to see her getting stronger though and feeling more like her old self. She had so much fun at that party. Thanks for throwing it Emily!
Hocus Pocus
My Little Turtle
To The Bat Cave
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Meghan Is Baptized
Feeding The Ducks
Would you believe that one of my favorite things to do is feed ducks. There is just something about their excitement over a few bread crumbs that makes my soul chuckle. And I love the sound of their quacking when they've got something to say about it. So I was pretty elated when we discovered this great little Park up in Midway that had a duck pond. We had a great time feeding the ducks there. I love these kinds of little moments with my children. I can tell you this. Those ducks haven't seen the last of us. We'll be back (but maybe not till next spring).
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Kaylie, My Savior, and Prayer

The last several weeks have been a challenge. It's funny, maybe sad in a kind of way. But it always seems like when life gets tough that's when you feel closest to Heaven. As most of you know Kaylie recently had to have spinal surgery to correct a significant curve in her back. The whole ordeal has been very difficult, but I have learned some valuable lessons from my loving Father in Heaven that I would like to share.
1. The power of prayer and fasting. When I first learned that Kaylie was going to have to have surgery. I couldn't bare the thought of it. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. I was just sick! This is an ugly surgery. The doctor explained the risks. The biggest being that she could become paralyzed. They would be fusing her discs, making her spine one big inflexible bone. Not to mention that it was an incredibly painful procedure with a long recovery period. This is NOT what I wanted for my child. It was really hard to come to terms with it. But then people started praying for us. Our ward had a special fast for Kaylie. People were putting her name in the temple. And the peace, and courage, and strength followed. I have never been on the receiving end of such a monumental plea. I lack the vocabulary to describe it. It was incredible. I was blessed with the power and strength to carry this burden. I remember one afternoon talking with my Aunt Dianne. I was telling her how it was really bothering me that they were going to fuse Kaylie's back. I told her that Heavenly Father made our backs with discs, that give and move for a reason. I was so sad for Kaylie that they were going to do something that prevented that kind of movement. And my sweet Aunt Dianne said the most profound thing to me. She said, "But Heavenly Father made eyes, so that people can see. But there are those who are blind. And he made ears, so we could hear, but some are deaf." And I realized then. That this was Heavenly Fathers plan for Kaylie. It would be hard, but it would make her stronger and it would help her to become the person the Lord needs her to be. The weeks leading up to her surgery, I was still scared. Yet, I was at peace.
2. Our Savior won't leave us. As I have gone through life, there have been trials. And I think the most important lesson that I have learned from them is this, that I have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who loves me. One of my favorite quotes is from Neal A. Maxwell, "Jesus not only took upon Him our sins to atone for them, but also our sicknesses and aching griefs. Hence, He knows personally all that we pass through and how to extend His perfect mercy--as well as how to succor us. How deep that descent into despair and abysmal agony must have been! He did it to rescue us and in order to comprehend human suffering." No matter what it is I might be going through. Jesus can save me. And He knows what I am going through because he as been there. On the day of Kaylie's surgery, the recovery room was tough. I have never seen anyone in that much pain. Let alone my own, dear child. I didn't know what I could do for her. They had already pumped her full of so many strong drugs that she had nearly stopped breathing. I felt utterly helpless. Then I remembered what I had learned about my Savior. I leaned over and whispered in Kaylie's ear. "The part you can't bear. Give it to our Savior. Jesus will take that extra pain that's too much. He will bear it for you." Kaylie closed her eyes and prayed. Wow. To watch your child learn an eternal truth right before your eyes is a very humbling, gratifying experience. I know the Savior was with us in that recovery room. I could physically feel His love, and I know he took the part we could not bear.
3. Heavenly Father really, really loves us. I have always been in awe and incredibly grateful for what our Savior did for us. I know that I can not even begin to comprehend how much he suffered. But I never gave much thought to how much Father in Heaven went through, watching His Son suffer like that. Being a parent certainly brings it's lessons, but this was a big one. Watching Kaylie suffer has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. There were a few times things got really bad and my thoughts always turned to our Father in Heaven. I have a new appreciation and understanding. How awful it must have been for Him to watch His dear perfect Son atone for all of us. He allowed it because He love us. He wants us to be happy. He sent His Son.
4.The Priesthood is the power of heaven on earth. There was one night in the hospital where Kaylie's pain skyrocketed out of control. I knew immediately that Kaylie needed a priesthood blessing. Of course, this was later at night and Mark had gone home. Now I've always had a testimony of the power of the priesthood, and always been incredibly grateful for it. But at the same time I think I have taken it for granted. I've always been blessed with a father, or a husband, or a neighbor, or someone near by who held the priesthood. Well, not on this night. We quickly went on a search through the hospital for two worthy brethren who held this power. I'm happy to say that they where found. As they laid their hands upon Kaylie's head, and in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Melchizedek priesthood blessed her that the pain might subside and she would be comforted. She immediately relaxed, the pain became tolerable, and she was able to sleep. The spirit in the room was tangible. I thanked those two dear brethren. As they went on their way, I thought about how grateful I was. That two strangers I'd never met, were living there lives in such a way that they could come to my daughters room and help alleviate her suffering. I pray that the brethren of the church realize the power that they hold and conduct their lives accordingly.
5. Trials make us better, more like our Savior. If someone had said to me three months ago, "Never mind, you don't have to go through this." I would have been so, very, profoundly relieved. But now, knowing what I've learned. I wouldn't want to give the experience back. I learned too many priceless lessons, that I don't think I could have learned any other way. The Sunday we were at Primary Children's we had a special opportunity to attend a Sacrament meeting that they hold there for families of children who are in the hospital. It was a very spiritual experience to be there with other parents of my faith, who had sick and suffering children. I think it's human nature to ask, "Why me? Why my child?" But no one was asking that question on that particular Sunday, in that particular place. The room was filled with people who's hearts were full of love, faith, and gratitude. We all knew we were not alone. We all knew that our particular circumstances were given to us to teach us and make us stronger. We were learning eternal truths. I don't think any one in that room would have traded places with anyone there, or not there. I think verse 5 from the hymn How Firm A Foundation says it best. "When through fiery trials they pathway shall lie. My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply. The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design... Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine." How thankful I am for a Father in Heaven who loves me and knows me. And for the trials he sends my way so that I might become better, stronger and more like His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Birthday and A Baby Elephant
What fun would a birthday be without Papa being a nut?
Surprise!! Keith Urban Tickets
I got a great Birthday present from Mark this year. He surprised me, seriously surprised me, with tickets to a Keith Urban concert. Holy Smokes! Was I ever excited. And WoW!! K. Can I just tell you it exceeded all expectations. It was... Awesome!!! I had so much fun. I felt 15 years younger. It was great. Keith puts on an incredible show. He is amazing on the guitar, and of course he can sing, love his voice. He is easily my favorite artist. I love, love his music. It either makes me want to get up and dance, or it speaks to my soul. There is a song he sings called Making Memories Of Us. And the first time I heard it I immediately went back to the moment Mark asked me to marry him. The lyrics just matched perfectly with the things Mark said to me at that moment. Very romantic. I love that song, it's one of my favorites. Honestly though, he has so many great songs I don't know if I could narrow it down to just one favorite. I'm posting a little clip from the concert. The quality is horrible, I know. But what do you expect from a little point and shoot camera? I'm also posting a clip from youtube of Keith singing Making Memories Of Us. Take a minute and give it a listen. Every time I hear it, it's like hearing Mark say all those sweet things to me again. Takes me back, every time... And I'm happy to say the Mark has lived up to every one of the promises he made me. I'm a pretty lucky girl. For those of you not familiar with Keith's music... you are missing out! Seriously, add some happiness to your life and pick up one of his albums. You won't be sorry. I love Keith Urban!! And I love my sweet husband Mark even more for taking me to see him in concert. Best Birthday present EVER!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Rate Your Pain

Okay. I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted anything on my blog. I don't have any posts for September. How sad. But as most of you know I have been busy with Kaylie and her spinal surgery. If I ever did have a minute I was busy posting updates on her medical blog. Feel free to check it out for the nitty gritty on our lives the last several weeks. You will have to sign in though, for security reasons. I'm happy to say that life seems to be getting back to normal and I have lots of catching up to do on this here blog. So I guess I'll get started. I think I'll start with something funny. Nothing is as healing as a good laugh. This last four weeks we have come to know the pain scale pretty intimately and posed this question to Kaylie many times... What is your pain level at? It's safe to say that she's seen every number on this here scale. When we saw this on youtube we laughed and laughed because we can relate. Hope it brings a chuckle your way too.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
First Haircut
A couple of weeks ago, I took Matthew to get his very first haircut. We went to this great place called Cookie Cutters. It caters to kids. Ever since Hyrum, I've alway been a little bit nervous about that first haircut. Do you all remember how he completely freaked out? But Matthew was great. They put an Elmo video on for him and he sat really still and let them cut his hair. Not one tear. Except from Mom. :) He did have a funny/worried look on his face when she was using the clippers, like he was wondering what in the world was going on. It was pretty funny. We caught it on tape so you will have to watch the little video. It makes me laugh. Anyway, he's not my little baby anymore. He looks all grown up now. sniff, sniff. But he also looks quite handsome. Milestones. They are bitter sweet.
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