Okay. I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted anything on my blog. I don't have any posts for September. How sad. But as most of you know I have been busy with Kaylie and her spinal surgery. If I ever did have a minute I was busy posting updates on her medical blog. www.carepages.com/carepages/kaylieskurve Feel free to check it out for the nitty gritty on our lives the last several weeks. You will have to sign in though, for security reasons. I'm happy to say that life seems to be getting back to normal and I have lots of catching up to do on this here blog. So I guess I'll get started. I think I'll start with something funny. Nothing is as healing as a good laugh. This last four weeks we have come to know the pain scale pretty intimately and posed this question to Kaylie many times... What is your pain level at? It's safe to say that she's seen every number on this here scale. When we saw this on youtube we laughed and laughed because we can relate. Hope it brings a chuckle your way too.
Doesn't everyone know when asked what your pain level is by a doctor or nurse you always say an 8 or 9. (Even if it's not that bad).
Then you know your going to get the goods. And that's all that matters!
Glad to hear that life is finally getting back to normal.
Very funny! I'm with Emily--never say 4 or 5--you'll get tylenol 3 which is no help at all--you might as well take half a baby aspirin! Kaylie, I'm so glad you're surgery is over and you're recovering. Love you.
Like I've always said, No pain, no gain. Hee hee.
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