Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hyrum's Day Out

Hyrum had his turn to go out with me and Mark. He chose to go to Chuck-a-Rama. He knows what's good. Hyrum got really lucky because Grandma Linge and Aunt Sue happened to join us. We had a great time and got really, really full! On the way home Hyrum smiled and said, "Even the food still stuck in my teeth tastes good!" And that my friend, just about says it all.


Em said...

Gee, how lucky are you.

It's always more fun with Grandma and Aunt Sue!

Gracie said...

It sound like sooooo much fun! Maybe you can take me there when I come.

Robs said...

What a fun tradition! I agree with Emily. It is always more fun with Grandma and Aunt Sue!

gloria said...

That was so fun!!! Let's do it again. I'm hungry, and I don't have anything stuck in my teeth!