Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Birthday Girl Turns 14!!!

It can't be. Can it? Kaylie is turning 14! I'm much too young to have a child that old. (I know, right?) It boggles my mind really. It seems like she was just my little baby girl. She is still adorable. Her birthday landed on Sunday this year so on Friday I kidnapped her from school and we went to lunch and shopping. We had SO much fun. Then today we had cake at Nana's and opened presents. Matthew totally smashed his little finger, horribly bad right before the ceremonies and kind of stole Kaylie's thunder. But as usual she was a great sport. The thing I remember most about Kaylie's birth is that after she was born I just sat and held her... and stared and stared. She being my first, it was all so surreal. I could hardly dare believe that this beautiful little bundle, with such incredibly long eyelashes, truly belonged to me. That Mark and I had brought her into the world. I was in awe. And I was in love. Happy Birthday Kaylie! I'm so thankful that Father in Heaven sent you to us, and that you were the beginning of our family. We love you.


gloria said...

Kaylie, I'm so glad you are my beautiful oldest grandchild! What a day your birthday was! They're never cracked up to what they should be--are they? Anyway, I had so much fun shopping with you the other day and getting dinner. Now, that's what a birthday should be!

gloria said...

Kaylie you are so cute/beautiful. I love the picutres. Cute picture of you and Papa.

Kim said...

You are so beautiful!! So grown up. Happy Birthday!

Gracie said...

I love you Kaylie! Can't wait to see you in June.