So I'm at the store doing the grocery shopping. Not one of my favorite "to do list" chores, but we gotta eat, right? Things were going along pretty nicely. I'd only had to tear into one box of crackers to keep Matthew quiet when I preceed to the check out lane. As I am putting the groceries onto that conveyer belt thing, I think to myself, "We might get out of here relatively unscathed". Of course this is a thought thunk too soon. No sooner had I thunk it, than I hear a bit of a ruckus coming from the front of the cart. I hear Matthew say, "Ah-Oh!" Now usually I find this first attempt at language utterly adorable. But not at this moment. I look up, and somehow Matthew has reached around and grabbed the pound of strawberries in those clam shell things and... DROPPED IT on the floor. Strawberries were everywhere! So I get down on my hands and knees and I'm trying to gather up all these strawberries that have shot all over kingdom come. As I'm picking them up I notice that half of them are now bruised from the 4 foot fall they just took. Yum. These strawberries will be especially delicious. And then, when I finally get them all picked up, I can't get the blasted container to shut because apparently the strawberries have to be stategically placed. At this point, I'm starting to think that a childs whole purpose of existence is to see all the different ways they can imbarrass their parents. Well done, Matthew! You definately earned 10 points, out of a possible 10, for that one. Although Meghan still has you beat. My children. They are the frosting on the cupcake of my life!
What a disaster! I hope you didn't buy the strawberries. Why do we have to always eat?
Oh yeah, I bought the strawberries. I couldn't very well get rid of them. Everyone was looking at me.
Shopping with children. Yikes--impossible. I remember James breaking some ugly, ugly cat pottery at a craft store. The owner was so rude. I said, "I guess I just bought that, huh". She said, "Yes, you did". While she punched it into the cash register. I still have the ugly thing. I'm giving it to him for a wedding gift. :)
Oh well. Everyone has those days.
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