Okay. I'll start with the Good. My parents recently bought a second home up in Midway for things like: Family Fun and Vacations. They have been very generous, and are happy to share it with their 4 daughters. I'm one of those lucky daughters. So last weekend we took advantage of their generosity and spent the weekend up in Midway. It was WONDERFUL. We really enjoyed ourselves up there. It was a great, peaceful, much needed getaway. The kids had so much fun up there, riding bikes and hiking. Now for the Bad. Saturday morning we decided to head up to Cascade Springs for a rendevouz with nature. As we are bouncing over the treacherous, undeveloped back road to get there, I didn't give a second thought to our tires. Which I admit, happened to be in desperate need of attention. Upon our arrival at the Springs however, we discovered... you guessed it... a flat! I kind of thought to myself, " Whatever... Mark will simply change it and we'll be on our way." Now you would think that after being married to Mark this long, I'd have learned by now that when it comes to his life, nothing is ever simple. It should not be called Murphy's Law. It should be called Mark's Law. I'm really not kidding. So Mark gets the tire off and goes to retrieve the spare. And this is where the. . . "if anything can go wrong, it will. At the worst possible moment." kicks in. I don't really know all the technical jargon but basically this gadget thingy was stripped and it would not lower the spare tire. So Mark climbs underneath our Suburban and is wresting with the spare to try and get it to drop down. No luck. We decide to use our cell phone and call for help. No service. We are too far off the beaten path. I start praying really hard. I'm so thankful that Heavenly Father saw fit to answer our prayers. A kind and helpful family from West Jordan show up. They had a Leatherman, Water, and Band-Aids. They kindly shared all three, and believe me all three were needed. One of them even climbed underneath the Suburban with Mark and helped him break the cables that were holding our spare tire hostage. Mark finally got the spare on, and off we went to enjoy some nature. Well on the way home over that bumpy, heinous back road. We pop another tire. I'm really not kidding. Mark drops us off at home and heads to Heber before all the air leaks out of our second flat of the day. And here, my friend, is the Ugly. We had to buy four new tires. Can you say, "KaCHinG!"? It only set us back about 650 big ones. And it is definitely the "Ugly" part of this story.

1 comment:
Two flat tires in one day? Is that clue enough that your tires are worn out and you need new ones? I'm so glad you have new tires on that Suburban. Your precious little family will be safer driving back and forth from Tooele to Bountiful and or Midway! Love the jokes!
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