I'm not quite sure where Matilda came from. I think Meghan might have picked her up after my Grandpa died, and we were cleaning out his house. At any rate we have decided she's just a little bit scary. Kaylie came across her one day, as if she (Matilda) had a mind of her own. Kaylie seemed to think she was being stalked by a possessed doll. That's when the game of "Find Matilda-Have A Mild Heart Attack" was born. After that fateful day when she scared the bajeebies out of Kaylie, it was my turn. Kaylie strategically placed her in my shower, behind the shampoo. Freaky! Mild heart attack! That's the name of the game. =D So then I hid her... in the freezer! Bwahahaha (evil laugh) Some of the freaky places she has shown up are... my dryer, Mark's briefcase, Hyrum's shoe, behind our clock, in the dishwasher. You get the idea. She's watching, always watching. The all time best place we found her was once when Meghan hid her. She was levitating on the ceiling in our family room. Stuck to the heater vent. Genius. Pure genius. Not bad Meg, not bad. Anyway, you may want to tread lightly. You never know where you'll find Matilda lurking.

The game got even scarier when she was found trying to steal Hyrum's chocolate bar. She is after our chocolate!

Nu nu Nu nu -- Nu nu Nu nu... you have just entered, The Twilight Zone!
. . . . Sweet Dreams!
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. The scariest place I ever found her was on my pillow...with a KNIFE! Talk about a mild heart attack. :p
This just creep's me out!
I liked it when we smelled something burning and found her on the dining room chandelier with her feet melted down to the ankles on the light bulb. That freaky thing almost burned our house down. By the way, where is she? Oh there you are. What are you doing with that knife? Hey don't do th. . . . . . . .
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