Monday, April 19, 2010

You Gotta Ask Yourself... Do I Feel Lucky?

Well. Do ya, Punk? I'm mean look at his face. That says it all... "If you even THINK about messing with this balloon, I am going to scream SO loud that you very well could lose your hearing. You can have this balloon when you can pry it from my cold dead fingers!! Got it, Punk?!" That is what Matthew would say if he could only talk in full sentences. The screaming part though, he's got down. And boy howdy, do my other kids love to tease him with balloons. It's maddening. And, Yes. I am very nearly deaf.


Kim said...

Thank you for a good laugh. I really needed that. Come to think of it, I need a balloon. But don't tell Matthew that.

Vicki said...

Good luck with all that!! Don't you just love older kids they make life with the little guys so fun.