A few weeks ago, while I was in the kitchen fixing dinner. Trying to cut up vegetables with the same dull knife I've been using for the last 10 years. I threw my hands up in the air and said, enough is enough!! I vowed right then and there that the next time I was out shopping I was going to get a new knife. And that's just what I did. I went out and found the sharpest knife I could find. Quite pleased with myself I hurried home so I could try it out.
So I began... chopping, slicing, cutting, dicing, patting myself on the back for my brilliance in breaking down and buying a nice new, sharp knife. Then I set the knife down on the counter and got started on some Lasagna. There I was in my kitchen, busy busy, cooking my little heart out. Completely oblivious to my curious little two year old climbing up on the counter and hauling off my sharp new knife. I didn't even know it was missing until Matthew started crying. And it even took me a minute to figure out what had happened. I was so involved with dinner that I couldn't figure out why his hand was bleeding like that. Then it slowly dawned on me. I look to the counter, Where's my knife? Oh, Matthew... suddenly I hated that knife. Why did I think I needed a sharp knife, anyway? Why wasn't I paying attention to what Matthew was doing? Why did I leave that blasted knife on the counter? Yeah, I got a big ole' heaping side of Mommy guilt to go with the Lasagna. It was bitter and hard to swallow. Thankfully, Matthew didn't need stitches but I did learn my lesson, and it came with a price. Keep sharp knives out of reach of little hands.
This story comes close to the time that Miriam put superglue in her eye. The superglue was on top of the fridge...but still..
He probably wanted to try that new knife on one of his battery operated toys. You know how he's always getting a knife to get those old batteries out. I'm so glad you got a nice sharp knife. I had a terrible time trying to cut up that squash during Christmas break!
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