Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I haven't posted for awhile cuz the little ones and I have had colds. Yuck! I haven't felt like doing much as you can tell by the way my house looks (messy). Thanksgiving is one of the greatest holidays. You get to cozy up with the ones you love and eat lots of yummy things. The thing that drives me crazy is that is totally gets squished and run over by Christmas. It really annoys me. Come on, let the turkey have it's day! Can't we please just enjoy Thanksgiving before we have to start talking about and thinking about Christmas? It's just wrong, I tell ya. Some things I'm thankful for... My husband (I feel so blessed in that department.) My children. Those are both pretty obvious. So some other things I'm thankful for are... Books, Chocolate, Music, My Washer and Dryer, and Hot Bubble Baths. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone. May your tummies be big and full with all that wonderful food and may none of us have to think or hear about Christmas, at least until Friday. (Yeah, right)
Aunt Natilie, we already have the Christmas tree set up and all the decorations unpacked. However, we also are going to a Thanks Giving party tonight so don't totally hate us! (By the way, I don't think that the turkey WANTS it's day)
Oh Gracie- How could you? You're probably right about the turkey not wanting it's day, seems how he's dinner. I just want the Christmas insanity to wait it's turn!!
Well, I love Thanksgiving--especially if I don't have to cook it--heheheh. It's a fun day to relax and be with those you love most. I'm missing two families--which makes me sad and lonely. Maybe someday we can all be together. By the way, Natalie, I have almost all my Christmas shopping done--heheheh!!!! But you're right--let the turkey have his day.
Christmas tree up, Check. Christmas shopping done, check.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Happy Thanksgiving. I'm sure you've already hear that I dragged BOTH my children out on Black Friday to go shopping at 4:00 a.m. Seriously put nothing past me! We'll be putting the Christmas decorations out within the next week! Get on it would you!?!
I'm sorry I didn't use your picture now go back and read my reasons for getting my kids out of bed at 4:00 a.m.
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