I love this picture of my Grandpa, he loved to be busy in his garden. He was a good, gentle, soft spoken man with a twinkle in his eye. I sure do miss him. He passed away this last June. I am thinking about him today because it is Veterans Day. As I hung the flag up today on our front porch my heart felt so full and warm with gratitude to be an American. I wished that I could throw my arms around my Grandpa and thank him again for his service to this country. I am so very thankful for all of the soldiers who have fought and sacrificed for the freedoms that I, myself and my children enjoy. My Grandpa fought in the battle of Okinawa during World War II. He was wounded during this time when shrapnel from a hand grenade hit him in his right arm. My Grandpa is the recipient of the Purple Heart. He never spoke much about the war. I know that the memories of this time in his life were so horrible that he did not want to reflect on them. When I read his life history for the first time, it was the most I had ever heard about it. He said that he fought on the front lines, that eating and sleeping were done on the line. He was lucky to get three hours of sleep in a twenty-four hour period. He was hungry and thirsty all the time, "almost beyond endurance". The battle strategy used on Okinawa was to dig fox holes with a shovel that the soldiers carried on their backs. Then use the fox hole for protection as they pushed the Japanese back. I know that I can not even fathom the horror of it all. My Grandpa witnessed dear friends being killed right next to him. I am so proud of him and thankful for his extraordinary courage. I am thankful that he made it home and married my Grandma, and that they had my Dad. On this day I am happy to honor my dear Grandpa and all Veterans who have served and are now serving our beloved country. God bless America, My Home Sweet Home!!
A very nice tribute. Well done, Natalie.
Good on you, Natalie. And glory, and honor be to Grandpa.
I miss you Great-Grandpa! I miss you America!
Great blog. Thanks to all the Veterans who have and still do fight for our Country and our Freedom!
Beautiful tribute. Made me cry. Thanks to all who have and still do serve our beloved country!
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