Some highs and lows of the last year...
The first smidge of the year was spent with me waddling around very pregnant.
Big Belly... No, Big Baby! (now can you tell he's breech?)
Believe it or not I lived just over 37 years without ever breaking a bone. Well that changed towards the end of January. (At seven months pregnant, no less). I had a tumble on the stairs. Protecting my protruding belly at all costs the second toe on my right foot took the hit. OUCH! That really hurt! I'm sure I was quite the sight waddling/limping/hobbling around.
When your inertia is off, your toes can be in great danger!

The first part of the year Kaylie was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of scoliosis (an abnormal curvature of the spine). We spent a lot of time at Primary Children's Hospital. The thing about that place is, you think you've got it pretty bad but then you see first hand that someone else has it even worse. It made us thankful for our blessings. Kaylie has definately gone through some trials though, and I know she has more ahead of her. Kind of hard for a Mom to watch. Kaylie was fitted for a brace that she had to wear 18-20 hours a day. It was very uncomfortable for her but she did her best. She is growing so fast however that she outgrew the brace within 5 months. At this point the doctor said brace or not she will have to have surgery. They can't do it until she's done growing though so right now they are just watching her really close. Hopefully we'll be able to get the surgery over and done with and behind us sometime this summer.
Kaylie got some bad news

The highlight of our year hands down was the birth of Matthew. It was so great to finally meet the little guy.
Matthew Charles March 23, 2008
With the best part of the year also came the most difficult. Life is like that sometimes. Can you believe that on my fifth baby I ended up having an emergency c-section? Matthew was breech and nobody figured that out until after my water broke. I was very grateful to have Matthew here safe, but very disappointed about the way he arrived. I was in so much pain I couldn't even move. I couldn't even take care of myself, let alone my new baby and my 4 other children. I have never ever felt so helpless. The day Matthew was born my Mom called and told me that Ethan had just fallen down the stairs and needed stitches in his chin. When it rains it pours. I cried a lot in the hospital. I'm so thankful for my husband who took such good care of me, and our family until I was back on my feet. And to my Mom, who still mothers me when I really need it.
I found out that C-Sections are NO fun.

When we moved into our house non of the landscaping was done so we spent a big part of the year laying sod and planting flowers and trees.
It is so nice to have grass.

In June my Grandpa Daniels passed away. It was bitter-sweet. It's a comfort to know that he is with my Grandma again. We spent some time this summer with my Dad helping clean out my Grandpa's house in Heber. The best part was the shake we would stop and get on our way home (every time).

And there you have it. The things I remember most about 2008. It was a pretty good year. We are looking forward to what 2009 brings. Happy New Year everybody!!

Nice Post. Isn't looking back great--such a reminder of all that we have to be greatful for, and knowing that we get strength to get through the challenges.
Cute post. I can't believe that Matthew is only a year old! So cute! Fun to remember the past year.
Is that really your stomach. I can't remember you even looking that big! WOW!!!
Fun post. This year went by really fast for me. Now that I think about it.
Your kids look so big and grown up- they are so cute. I love the picture of your belly- there's nothing like a baby about to pop!
The bitter with the sweet!
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