The Stress!! Okay, How can I discreetly tell this story? My two oldest children have resquested something from Santa that is just a tad bit expensive and very popular. I have to say the older your kids get the more expensive and less fun this Santa business becomes. Now three year olds like Ethan. There's the magic! Anyway, I found their request the day after Thanksgiving and I thought, "I better get these now before they disappear." Which I did and was sick about how much money I had spent. Well sure enough they were marked down a little bit here and there but never enough to go to the trouble of taking them back and then going somewhere else to get them. Well yesterday the adds come out and HOLY COW! now that's the kind of price I want to pay. So I haul myself over to Walmart. They won't price match cuz it's buy one get one free. GRRRR! So I return the ones I have. BIG MISTAKE!! Drive over to another store. They don't have the stuff I need. OH NO! I'm starting to freak out. Drive to another store. Whew. They have what I need. Show them the add, all pleased that I have saved a nice little wad of cash. Get this! The sales guy proceeds to tell me that the add was a misprint. Can you even believe that?! How can that be? How can they do this to people? Now these things cost even more here than they did at Walmart. So do I go back to Walmart? I was so bugged. I think the poor sales guy could tell I was about to have a heart attack because he took pity on me and said "I think I can give you a little bit of a discount." He took five dollars off each one. Which was nice, but was it worth all that? No. That's what I get for trying to save a buck. This is what I'm saying about this Christmas insanity. It's just not what it's supposed to be about. Know what I mean? I hope all of you are having better luck being Santa's helpers. Bless Santa's heart.
What a story. Sounds pretty stressful. I love the card, though.
Like our wise old grandpa Linge used to say, "It'll all be out in the oak next week".
I feel the same way about the growing dog. I saw one the other day for half the price that "Santa" paid for it. Hmmm may be I should pack it up and try to return if for a cheaper one!! Nay, to much work.
That is a horrible story! I hope you are doing OK after that. What was it?
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