Friday, February 20, 2009

Kaylie's Surgery Day Set

Kaylie went to the doctor again this week to talk about surgery for her back. The curve in her spine is now 65 degrees. She is starting to have a lot of pain from it so this surgery will be a good thing. I made the mistake of asking the doctor what complications could arise from such a surgery and needless to say I did NOT like his answer. He said there is a 1 in 1,000 chance she could become paralyzed. He was reassuring though and said, "Knock on wood... it's never happened to anyone he's operated on." He is an excellent surgeon and I know that she is in very good hands but it really freaks me out to think about having her spinal cord messed with. I will be so glad when it is all over with. Anyway, I thought I would post a picture of her x-ray so you could see what she is up against. I think Kaylie is very brave and I am proud of her. It really is a blessing that they can fix her back. I just need to keep reminding myself of that. Come July though, I am going to be a complete basket case. Just so you know. Her surgery is set for July 20th. Please pray that all goes well!


Robs said...

Oh, Natalie. That scares me too! Where are you getting it done at? We'll be praying for Kaylie and for you! Good luck and hang in there!

gloria said...

We'll get through this together. I will have to take Kaylie shopping when she gets back on her feet. That will give us both something to look forward to. She's a riot to go shopping with!

Kim said...

I'm speechless.

Gracie said...

Kaylie! I hope that I can still have fun with you when I come!

Miriam said...

Looks scarry! i will be praying for her. Good luck Kalie! wish you the best