This is a story about something cute Ethan said a few months ago but I wanted to be sure and write it down so that I don't forget about it. We had just gotten to church and were settling in for Sacrament Meeting when Ethan looks up at me and says, "Mommy, I sick!" Now whenever my children say they are sick I immediately want to know what we are up against. Are we talking a headache, sniffles, sore throat? Or are we talking you better move QUICK cuz someone is about to throw-up!? So I lean over to him and ask, "What kind of sick?" And he sits there for a second and I could just see the little wheels turning in his head. Then he looks up at me and says, "I Church Sick!!!" I had to laugh. Let's face it. We've all had our moments when we've been "Church Sick!" :)
I think I will be "church sick on Sunday." Sounds like a good excuse.
Don't you just love the things that a three year old can come up with.
Such a cute story! I love it. We have definitely all been church sick before!
From the mouth of babes! What an honest perspective. Ethan, you are so cute. What a cute story.
That is so cute and kid-like. James might make up something, but Ethan is so honest! I haven't been church sick in a while.
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