Sunday, March 7, 2010

No More Thumb

Matthew has been my thumb sucker. My only one out of five. I have thought it was endearing and adorable. That little thumb of his would find it's way into his mouth and my heart would just melt. A couple months ago, he just stopped doing it. He up and lost interest in that sweet little thumb of his. I knew that at some point he would need to stop, and I know I should feel lucky that he quite on his own. But I kind of miss him doing it. It's a reminder to me that he is growing up entirely too fast.


Kim said...

Two things: 1- be thankful you don't have to poison his thumb with that nasty ointment when he's five or six years old and 2- you can always try for another thumb-sucker :)

Vicki said...

They grow to fast, he is going to be two this month right? Well in my case my last is still my baby and he knows it. I'm ok with that because he loves his mom's loves and hugs!

gloria said...

Cute Matthew. Be glad he didn't take after me--I still want to suck my thumb!

Robs said...

He's a cutie. You are lucky he stopped on his own. Noah still sucks his binki...any suggestions on that one?