The other day at about 1:00 the phone rings. It's Kaylie's school calling to let me know that she had PASSED OUT in the lunch room and I should probably come get her. What in the world? So I go pick her up and ask her what happened? She said that she was feeling fine and just eating her lunch, when she preceded to take a bite of VERY HOT mashed potatoes. Not realizing how hot they were, she swallowed them. She said they burned and hurt her chest so bad she blacked out. Lost consciousness. How humiliating for the poor thing, huh? Not to mention painful. Anyway, she's okay and we are laughing about it now. I told her she needed to check the temperature of her food, and maybe blow on it before she starts shoveling it in. By the way, I did get her permission to tell this story.
Kaylie, you past out at school. How embarrassing!!!!!! Glad everything is ok. I don't think it was the potatoes that made you black out though.
I swallowed hot chocolate once and it was so painful I thought my chest was going to burst. Luckily I didn't pass out, but I can relate.
MOM! Nice comment! I can just see her swallowing her hot chocolate. You sound just like mom in this post! I can just hear her telling us to check the temperature of our food before eating it. Kaylie you poor little thing! At least you didn't wet yourself on the music ride on 9th day lagoon day...who would do that?!?!
Pass out? Wet your pants? Lucky you! Everyone knows my most embarrassing moment.
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