When the world looks at me they see a mother with 5 children, but in my heart there are 8. Tomorrow is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. I know it's kind of a sad topic but I am thankful for this day because it gives me an opportunity to acknowledge and remember my angel babies. I have three of them. The heartache of losing a baby is something you just don't understand or comprehend until you experience it first hand. My heart goes out to all those that have to endure this trial. I am thankful for the light of the gospel and for my scriptures that have brought me peace, and answers to my prayers. One such scripture is found in the Book of Mormon in Alma, 41:2 "... for it is requisite that all things should be restored to their proper order. Behold, it is requisite and just, according to the power and resurrection of Christ..." What could be more proper order than to restore a Mothers baby whom was growing in her womb, underneath her heart? The Spirit has whispered to my soul that this is true. I have found great comfort in that knowledge. I know that I have three babies waiting for me in heaven. A dear friend sent me a card at a time when I was struggling with our loss. I would like to share a little snippet from it. "Even though a flower may not bloom, in our hearts we still know the wonder of it's blossom. So it is with your tiny someone..." My angel babies have made me a stronger, better person and I am indeed thankful Heavenly Father sent them to me, even if for only a very short time.
Good for you seeing so much beyond our mortal world. Love ya.
I always think about my baby angel on the 2nd of July.(my due date)
I had no idea that there even was a "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day." That is great. I will be sure to light a candle at 7:00 tonight for the baby that I lost... Love ya.
Thanks for sharing. Your insight has helped me understand my loss so many years ago. You're a great example.
Thanks for sharing your insight. It helps me understand my loss too! You are such a good big sister. Love ya! Hey I was thinking the other day...do you remember when you would drink Dr. Pepper and eat pretzels with me and Emily on Friday nights? You are the best! Love ya
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