Here we have my Mom and Dad on their recent trip to Maine. Looks like fun, doesn't it? My parents said if I posted about it, I would get to go with them next time. I don't think they really thought I'd do it. But they underestimated me. I love it back east. I could live there. In fact I did live there, and I miss it. So, Mom and Dad, be sure and let me know when I need to pack my bags. I'm ready and waiting. And No, I'm not kidding. I could show you around Bean Town, then we could drive on up to Maine for some lobster. What's a trip to New England without your first born, not to mention favorite daughter. Hee, Hee.
I think we could all use a trip to Maine. It looks like so much fun. How about Rhode Island. I hear they have some incredible mansions to tour.
Mom, if you take me on a tour of one I promise not to disappear this time.
So can I get a ticket too, if I post you on my blog---mine gets more hits (hee hee)
Can I come? I really need a good trip and a good laugh with my family! I don't know if Emily can come though...last time she disappeared for about 2 hours and I honestly thought mom was going to kill her!
I can't believe you posted for dad. I guess we'll have to think about letting you go sometime. Maine was beautiful and we had such a good time--wish I was still there!
I thought the drive through Maine was so cool and lovely.
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