This afternoon I was busy folding laundry when Hyrum comes running into the house as excited as can be and pleased as punch. "Mom, Mom, guess what?! It's so cool, I just started a fire!!!" My jaw drops. "You just started a what?" "A fire!!" Okay so my first instinct is to freak out. Images of matches, and the fire department spring to mind. But then I realize that Hyrum is much too calm, cool, and collected for there to be a real emergency. Not to rain on his parade I calmly asked him how he started said fire. Seeing my concern he made sure to let me know that he had been very cautious. He did it with a magnifying glass, in the street, with a bucket of water close at hand. I have to say his enthusiasm made me smile. Just know that if a 10 year old boy gets his hands on a magnifying glass there is for sure going to be some combustion and probably a few BBQ'd insects as well. Boys. I love mine, they sure make life interesting and keep me on my toes.
What a scare! I wish I had a magnifying glass.
What happened? I just posted a comment and it didn't post. How frustrating is that! Hyrum, sounds like Susan would like to barrow your magnifying glass for a little bon fire of her own!
I've always wanted to try that. Way to go Hyrum. Be safe, be careful. Good thinking to try it in the road with a bucket of water ready.
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