Thursday, February 26, 2009

Arrow Of Light

Having grown up in a home with all sisters and no brothers, this Scout stuff is really new to me. But this last award Hyrum got was, I have to say, pretty cool. The Arrow of Light Award is the highest award that you can receive in Cub Scouts. And you receive it in a special ceremony. Hyrum worked really hard to earn his, and we are happy for him and proud of him. Here are some pictures from that exciting night. Hyrum's face was painted which was symbolic of things that he has learned in Cub Scouts. Then an Indian Cheif took Hyrum on a path to meet 3 Spirits, which was also a special reminder of important things that he has learned. Hyrum is now officially a Boy Scout. (My kids are growing up too fast I tell ya!) Like his Dad, Hyrum  loves Scouting and is excited about earning his Eagle. Keep up the hard work Hyrum. Way to Go!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Temple-I'm Going There Someday...

I took Ethan grocery shopping with me tonight and we had the cutest little conversation on the way home. Out of the blue he asked me why I got married? I said, "Because I was in love with Daddy." Then he asked me when he was going to get married. I told him that probably when he got home from his mission. Then he said, "Like when you got home from your mission and Daddy got home from his mission?" I said, "Yep." Then Ethan said, "I'm going to get married in the bootiful temple, the temple that is by Nana's house!" I said, "That would be a great place to get married, the Bountiful Temple IS very pretty." Then he asked me what temple I was married in. I told him the one in Salt Lake. Then... (here's the cute part) Ethan says, "Mom, where is Makinley going to get married?" (Makinley is the cute little neighbor girl who Ethan loves to play with.) I said, "I don't know?" And then he said, "Because I love Makinley, I could take her to the temple." Sweet story, huh? I swear that little guy says the most adorable things!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Hyrum has really enjoyed playing Jr. Jazz this year. Here are some fun pictures from his last game.

Kaylie's Surgery Day Set

Kaylie went to the doctor again this week to talk about surgery for her back. The curve in her spine is now 65 degrees. She is starting to have a lot of pain from it so this surgery will be a good thing. I made the mistake of asking the doctor what complications could arise from such a surgery and needless to say I did NOT like his answer. He said there is a 1 in 1,000 chance she could become paralyzed. He was reassuring though and said, "Knock on wood... it's never happened to anyone he's operated on." He is an excellent surgeon and I know that she is in very good hands but it really freaks me out to think about having her spinal cord messed with. I will be so glad when it is all over with. Anyway, I thought I would post a picture of her x-ray so you could see what she is up against. I think Kaylie is very brave and I am proud of her. It really is a blessing that they can fix her back. I just need to keep reminding myself of that. Come July though, I am going to be a complete basket case. Just so you know. Her surgery is set for July 20th. Please pray that all goes well!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What Kind Of Sick?

This is a story about something cute Ethan said a few months ago but I wanted to be sure and write it down so that I don't forget about it. We had just gotten to church and were settling in for Sacrament Meeting when Ethan looks up at me and says, "Mommy, I sick!" Now whenever my children say they are sick I immediately want to know what we are up against. Are we talking a headache, sniffles, sore throat? Or are we talking you better move QUICK cuz someone is about to throw-up!? So I lean over to him and ask, "What kind of sick?" And he sits there for a second and I could just see the little wheels turning in his head. Then he looks up at me and says, "I Church Sick!!!" I had to laugh. Let's face it. We've all had our moments when we've been "Church Sick!" :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sticky Mess!

It's been a red letter day at the Brunsdale's! So I'm upstairs putting away the laundry and I come back downstairs a few minutes later to find Matthew covered in stickiness. Somehow he had found a left over candy cane from Christmas! Good Grief. Who knows where he found it at but it was a mess! He was in heaven though sucking on all that sugary goodness. I was not his favorite person when I took it away from him to clean up. (Sorry about the fuzzy pics, my camera was acting funny.)

Lick'n the Bowl

This week I made some Brownies and my kids were so silly licking the bowl I felt compelled to take some pictures. They were like ravenous little wolves! You'd think they had never tasted chocolate before.